Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) is an API/framework that binds XML schema to Java representations. Java objects may then subsequently be used to marshal or unmarshal XML documents. Marshalling an XML document means creating an XML document from Java objects. Unmarshalling means creating creating a Java representation of an XML document (or, in effect, the reverse of marshaling). You retrieve the element and attribute values of the XML document from the Java representation. The JAXB 2.0 specification is implemented in JWSDP 2.0. JAXB 2.0 has some new features, which facilitate the marshalling and unmarshalling of an XML document. JAXB 2.0 also allows you to map a Java object to an XML document or an XML Schema. Some of the new features in JAXB 2.0 include: Smaller runtime libraries are required for JAXB 2.0, which require lesser runtime memory. Significantly, fewer Java classes are generated from a schema, compared to JAXB 1.0. For each top-level complexType, 2.0 generates a v...
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