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Showing posts from December, 2010

What Is The Use Of WebServices?

Basically Web services mitigate the application integration crisis. It helps integrating applications at a significantly lower price point than any other integration technology. It’s a new kind of middleware based on XML and the Web. XML and the Web help solve the challenges associated with traditional application-to-application integration like heterogeneity. They are platform and language independent. Web Services has following advantages: 1.      Exposing your API onto a network Connecting Different Applications 2.      Low Cost of communication 3.      Support for Loosely Coupled Applications 4.      Web Services are Self Describing using WSDL 5.      Automatic Discovery using UDDI 6.      Business Opportunity to grow your business

Multi-Lingual Features in Java Application

This tip will show how to add multi-lingual feature in Graphical User Interface (GUI) of any java application. To run any GUI of java application in multiple language java.util.ResourceBundle is used. First make different property files for the different language. Name of all property files should be same with additional language suffix. For exp. fr for French, de for German etc.  For example- · file for the English · file for the French

HCL Walk-in event in Bangalore on Sunday , December 19 2010 from 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

HCL is conducting interviews for the roles of MTS/Lead Engineer for positions in Chennai . If you are a individual with the following skills, you can  participate in the event by quoting employee number 40184032 . Qualification: BE / B.Tech / M.E / M.Tech / MS (EEE, IT, ECE, CSE) / M.SC (CSE / IT) / MCA Required Skills Expertise in Total relevant experience (in years) Java Programmers Expertise in Java Programming Design & development using Java / J2ee/ Web services Exposure in SNMP/NMS/TCP is an Advantage Flair for learning new technologies     3 – 6 Open Systems C / C++ Programmers Must have extensive hands-on experience in C or C++ programming Development experience on a Linux, Unix or VxWorks Must have worked on at least one of the following : Layer 2 LAN protocols like MSTP, RSTP, PVST, LACP, VRRP Layer 3 protocols like RIP, OSPF, BGP, Multicast routing - PIM-SM, PIM-DM, DVMRP MPLS , IPV4, I...