How To Resolve The Error " however there is no module in the application with that URI or context-root" in WebLogic 9
I was doing my environment setup for my current project. The following error was bugged my dev environment. Ofcourse it's solved finally with the solution given below. Error Description: <BEA-001512> <Data Source hifTxDataSource has been successfully created.> <25-Oct-2011 12:22:37 o'clock BST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149205> <Failed to initialize the application ' T***r .ear' due to error : The application T***r .ear contains a SubDeploymentMBean with a name H******t .jar however there is no module in the application with that URI or context-root.. : The application T***r .ear contains a SubDeploymentMBean with a name BtChaps.jar however there is no module in the application with that URI or context-root. at weblogic.application.internal.flow.CreateModulesFlow.validateTargets( ) Solution: Just go to a...