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Starting java programs as a windows service (or a unix deamon)


you can easily start your java program as a part of the OS loading sequence by using one of many available tools today and i can see that Java Service Wrapper is the easiest way to do so...
the best thing about this tool is that you configure a property file for your windows service and use the same file for installing unix deamon....

Downloading and Installing

there are three packages of Java Service Wrapper: professional, standard and community the last is free under GPLv2
extract the file to a folder(this folder will be referenced as ${wrapper_home} )

Your Side

Develop, compile and jar your java desktop application that for sure got a class with the main method...

Wrapper Side

the wrapper comes with an example service, all you have to do is the following

  1. edit the file ${wrapper_home}\conf\wrapper.conf (will be described in details shortly)
  2. use the batch files located at ${wrapper_home}\bin to install, start, stop, suspend, resume and uninstall the service
  3. add and jars to ${wrapper_home}\lib (including your application)

Editing the wrapper.conf

the wrapper.conf is a simple java property file, edit the following:

that is a simple wrapper for your application, it comes out of the box
that to include any jars to the class path, do not touch 1 and 2, start adding after that
that is your class with the main method you can pass params to your main from here like
but remember that your class must be the first argument

Name of the service

Display name of the service
wrapper.ntservice.displayname=JMX Harf Services

Description of the service
wrapper.ntservice.description=A JMX based Utility System

Mode in which the service is installed. AUTO_START or DEMAND_START

now go ahead install & start your service

execute "InstallTestWrapper-NT.bat"
then "StartTestWrapper-NT.bat"


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