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400 Java Interview Questions(151-200)

151 Checked & Unchecked exception
152 Use of throws exception
153 What is finally in exception handling
154 Vector class
155 What will happen to the Exception object after exception handling
156 Two types of multi-tasking
157 Two ways to create the thread
158 Synchronization
159 I/O Filter
160 How can you retrieve warnings in JDBC
161 Can applet in different page communicate with each other
162 Four driver Manager
163 Features of JDBC 2.0
164 Explain about stored procedures
165 Servlet Life cycle
166 Why do you go for servlet rather than CGI
167 How to generate skeleton & Stub classes
168 Explain lazy activation
169 What is meant by Java ?

170 What is meant by a class ?
171 What is meant by a method ?
172 What are the OOPS concepts in Java ?
173 What is meant by encapsulation ? Explain with an example
174 What is meant by inheritance ? Explain with an example
175 What is meant by polymorphism ? Explain with an example
176 Is multiple inheritance allowed in Java ? Why ?
177 What is meant by Java interpreter ?
178 What is meant by JVM ?
179 What is a compilation unit ?
180 What is meant by identifiers ?
181 What are the different types of modifiers ?
182 What are the access modifiers in Java ?
183 What are the primitive data types in Java ?
184 What is meant by a wrapper class ?
185 What is meant by static variable and static method ?
186 What is meant by Garbage collection ?
187 What is meant by abstract class
188 What is meant by final class, methods and variables ?
189 What is meant by interface ?
190 What is meant by a resource leak ?
191 What is the difference between interface and abstract class ?
192 What is the difference between public private, protected and static
193 What is meant by method overloading ?
194 What is meant by method overriding ?
195 What is singleton class ?
196 What is the difference between an array and a vector ?
197 What is meant by constructor ?
198 What is meant by casting ?
199 What is the difference between final, finally and finalize ?
200 What is meant by packages ?


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