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400 Java Interview Questions(371-479)

371 managed persistent entity bean ?
372 What is J2EE ?
373 What is JTS ?
374 How many entity beans used and how many tables can u use in EJB project ?
375 What is scalable,portability in J2EE?
376 What is Connection pooling?Is it advantageous?
377 Method and class used for Connection pooling ?
378 How to deploy in J2EE(i.e Jar,War file) ?
379 How is entity bean created using Container managed entity bean ?
380 Sotware architechture of EJB ?
381 In Entity bean will the create method in EJB home and ejbCreate in Entity
382 bean have the same parameters ?
383 What methods do u use in Servlet - Applet communication ?

384 What are the types of Servlet ?
385 Difference between HttpServlet and Generic Servlets ?
386 Difference between doGet and doPost ?
387 What are the methods in HttpServlet?
388 What are the types of SessionTracking?
389 What is Cookie ? Why is Cookie used ?
390 If my browser does not support Cookie,and my server sends a cookie
instance What will happen ?
392 Why do u use Session Tracking in HttpServlet ?
393 Can u use javaScript in Servlets ?
394 What is the capacity the doGet can send to the server ?
395 What are the type of protocols used in HttpServlet ?
396 Difference between TCP/IP and IP protocol ?
397 Why do you use UniCastRemoteObject in RMI ?
398 How many interfaces are used in RMI?
399 Can Rmi registry be written in the code, without having to write it in the
command prompt and if yes where?
401 Why is Socket used ?
402 What are the types of JDBC drivers ?
403 Explain the third driver(Native protocol driver) ?
404 Which among the four driver is pure Java driver ?
405 What are the Isolation level in JDBC transaction ?
406 How do you connect with the database ?
407 How do you connect without the Class.forName (" ") ?
408 What does Class.forName return ?
409 What are the types of statement ?
410 Why is preparedStatement,CallableStatement used for?

412 Difference between AWT and Swing compenents ?

414 Can the Swing application if you upload in net, be compatible with your
416 What should you do get your browser compatible with swing components?
417 What are the methods in Applet ?
418 When is init(),start() called ?
419 When you navigate from one applet to another what are the methods called ?
421 What is the difference between Trusted and Untrusted Applet ?
422 What is Exception ?
423 What are the ways you can handle exception ?
424 When is try,catch block used ?
425 What is finally method in Exceptions ?
426 What are the types of access modifiers ?
427 What is protected and friendly ?
428 What are the other modifiers ?
429 Is synchronised modifier ?
430 What is meant by polymorphism ?
431 What is inheritance ?
432 What is method Overloading ? What is this in OOPS ?
433 What is method Overriding ? What is it in OOPS ?
434 Does java support multi dimensional arrays ?
435 Is multiple inheritance used in Java ?
436 How do you send a message to the browser in JavaScript ?
437 Does javascript support multidimensional arrays ?
438 Why is XML used mainly?
440 What is DTD ?
441 Is there any tool in java that can create reports ?
456 Describe an object.
457 What are sockets?
458 What are threads?
476 What's the difference between UDP and TCP?
478 What is the difference between a static and non-static field (Java)
479 What's the difference between a stack and a Queue?


  1. Thanks a lot for sharing java interview questions.
    Keep posting dude.

    Interview Questions


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