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Core Points To Remenber in Core Java

  • an empty source file will compile without error
  • if a .java file does not contain a public class or interface it can have any name
  • a single-type import will take precedence over an import-on-demand
  • import-on-demand types do not increase the size of the compiled code ie only the types actually used are added to the code
  • while import-on-demand adds no overhead to the compiled code, they can slow down the speed of the compile
  • a constructor body can include a return statement providing no value is returned
  • any method can throw a Runtime or Error exception without declaring it in the throws clause
  • methods having the same name and parameter types do not have the same signature unless the parameter types are listed in the same order
  • main() can be declared final
  • main() is inherited and can be overridden if not declared as final
  • args[0] references first command line argument after the application name ( arrays in Java are zero-based)
  • main() can be declared public static void ... or static public void ...
  • the variable name does not have to be args; can be anything as long as the type is String[]
  • variables can have the same name as a method or a class
  • only field variables are automatically initialized to their types default value; local variables must be explicitly initialized
  • arrays are initialized to the default value of their type when they are created, not declared, even if they are local variables
  • array index operator [] has highest level of precedence
  • integer variables can be used as array dimension values
  • postfix/prefix operators have the highest level of precedence
  • remember that when the postfix operator is used in an expression, the current value of the variable is used
  • a class may be assigned to an Interface type if the class implements the interface or one of it's sub-interfaces
  • you cannot cast a primitive type to an object reference, or vice versa
  • you cannot cast a boolean type to another primitive type
  • String operations whose result does not alter the original string (ie calling toUpperCase() on a String that is already in uppercase) return the original string reference; otherwise they return a reference to a new String
  • Strings are immutable; the original String value can never be changed
  • all the primitive type wrapper classes override the Object.equals() method to compare the value of the objects; the default Object.equals() method checks if the variables reference the same object
  • you do not have to have a default statement in a switch() block
  • the default statement in a switch() block can appear anywhere in the construct, does not have to be last
  • all sections of the for() loop are optional
  • finalize() can only be executed once on any object


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