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How to Install Maven ?

Nowadays its very common for Java developers to use Maven tool for building war or ear file their applications instead of ant tool. Since Maven provides an easiest way of building and managing version of applications and relieves you from build path configurations in your eclipse ide.

Of course many people knows how to configure how to download and configure maven in their machines. But I want to post it on my blog for my reference and newbies in java world.

Just follow the below steps:

  •  Make sure Java (version 1.5 or 1.6 or 1.7 ) is installed on your machine and "JAVA_HOME" variable is added to environment variable list on windows as shown below image.(Windows start -> My Compuetr-> Right Click on ->Properties ->Advanced System Settings ->System Settings-> Click on "Environment Variables")

  • Download latest version of Maven ( from Apache Website: to the directory on your machien wherever you would like to install. Let us say you have installed it on C:\apache-maven-3.3.3, the it looks like below.

  •  Add "M2_HOME" and "MAVEN_HOME" to environment variables list as shown below. Actually  adding "M2_HOME" is enough to run maven, but some programs specifies to add "MAVEN_HOME" as maven home. So I feel it is safe to add both.
  •  Add maven to PATH variable as shown (%M2_HOME%\bin )in below image.

  • That's it.. done..To verify maven has been configured properly, run "mvn -v" from Command prompt. It will give following result.

    Note: If you face running "mvn -v" from command prompt like "bad command or file name", then run the command prompt as administrator. Just right on cmd window and you will get option to run as administrator.
Let me know in comments if you face any issue or errors.


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